Intersection at West Putnam Ave
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Lighting is essential for pedestrian security and safety at intersections. To maintain visual consistency along the corridor we will be relocating the existing light poles closer to the four corners of each intersection.
How do you feel about the current lighting levels at this intersection?
How do you feel about the current lighting levels at this intersection?
Wayfinding is a collection of signs and systems that guide people through the public realm. Our wayfinding program is intended to assist people in locating public parking areas and destinations.
Please click the wayfinding tab in the Menu to provide feedback for specific sign locations and styles.
At this intersection, where do you feel we should be directing people?
Please click the wayfinding tab in the Menu to provide feedback for specific sign locations and styles.
At this intersection, where do you feel we should be directing people?
Site furnishings is an important amenity along Greenwich Streetscape that includes benches, bike racks & trash receptacles.
How do you feel about the style of the site furniture shown?
How do you feel about the style of the site furniture shown?
New sidewalks are constructed of non-colored concrete and include a score joint grid pattern that aids in preventing cracks and assists with replacement if damage to the concrete occurs. A simple concrete sidewalk pattern reinforces economic development by keeping the pedestrians view up off the ground to more readily observe the retail shops.
Is there anything about the sidewalks in general that you would like to comment on?
Is there anything about the sidewalks in general that you would like to comment on?
The re-imagined intersections include decorative crosswalks that are slightly raised so that the crosswalk elevation matches that of the sidewalk, alerting drivers that they are entering a pedestrian zone. Colored and textured crosswalks create an eye-catching ground plane element for drivers while adding form and color to the intersection.
How do you like the style of the proposed crosswalks?
How do you like the style of the proposed crosswalks?
Landscaping helps to soften the hard edges of an intersection and creates a more pedestrian friendly environment. Specific plants are chosen for their texture, color, growth habits and drought tolerance.
Are there any specific plant species you would like to see?
Are there any specific plant species you would like to see?
The re-imagined intersections include bump-outs that reduces the distance that pedestrians need to travel across the roadway. Bump-outs bring pedestrians out closer to the travel lane improving visibility between drivers and pedestrians at the intersection. Bump-outs also reduce impervious surfaces thus improving storm water management.
How do you feel about the bump-outs?
How do you feel about the bump-outs?